Thursday, March 31, 2016

Squirrels can be a pesky bunch for sure. Myself, I love watching them run around and get into thing.
Putting sour mash (moonshine) into a bird feeder wasnt a very good idea. Course, the squirrels loved it, and it explained the rash of birds flying upside down too.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dont know why, but I always pic the middle finger on my left hand to check my glucose levels.
I guess thats why he always has that look on his, anyway, thats why. :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The chickens got into the milk and cheese. It was a sight...

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Well, Easter is over, and I'm sure the Easter Bunny is very tired from delivering and hiding all those eggs for the kiddies....but let's not forget the chickens either...:)

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The new movie is out now, Batman vs. Superman, cant wait to see it. But I know what started the whole thing, and it was many years ago, in a play area, in a small daycare...

Friday, March 25, 2016

Hello, how are you, and welcome if your nose is clean.
This is the beginning of my new blog featuring my single panel comic, Stale Crackers.
Stale Crackers is my view of the world, be it distorted as it is, and offers up my renderings
and ideas of the way I see things, which is usually slightly warped and funny. Stale Crackers
currently runs on under the sherpa part of the site also.  Six days a week I'll beposting a new cartoon and hopefully you'll find them worth coming back and reading and make me famous. Stay tuned for more Stale Crackers...